How to wear a jacket - a style interview with Nora

Nora loves to habiliment jackets. So much then that she decided to pattern her own line.  Almost every outfit of hers features a jacket and she has become a real skillful on wearing them. I wanted to detect out more about her love of jackets and how nosotros can all vesture them to great event!

Tin can you tell a little bit more almost yourself?

I am a style designer, stylist and now a fashion blogger who has worked in the fashion industry in Los Angeles for many years. I am besides a mother to an eighteen year old son who is in his first year of academy at USC. I am married to a wonderful English language man who is non my son's dad, this is my second marriage and we do non have whatever kids together.

Every bit a betoken of reference which age group do you lot belong to or possibly y'all are willing to share your historic period?

I'm in the 40+ category.

wearing a black vest |

Tin can you tell us a bit more about your site Jacket Society and why you created it?

I started Jacket Society as a personal styling web log in September of 2013. The blog is near my own personal style emphasizing my love of jackets and how to article of clothing them in different ways. Soon afterwards that I decided to add a shopping web site to my blog to design and sell women's jackets and blazers nether the aforementioned name.

Why is the jacket such an important garment for you?

I have always had a passion for jackets. To me a lot of my personal style starts with choosing a jacket which will then set up the mood for my outfit. With Jacket Society I do limited edition small cuts of novelty jackets that are just available on my web site. This makes them one of a kind and special, giving the customer an opportunity to purchase something directly from me and not through a store. I likewise show my customers how to wear them on my weblog stories.

wearing a jacket with jeans |

What are the summit selling points of a jacket? What does it practice to a woman's silhouette?

Jackets like any other slice of clothing need to be flattering for your body shape. It is really important for a woman to be aware of their shape and await for jackets or blazers that work best for them. Also what type of lesser you article of clothing with the jacket is but as important; the proportions have to work in social club to make the whole outfit expect good.

What are your pinnacle tips for wearing a jacket? For example do y'all scrunch the sleeves or non?

My peak tip for wearing any jacket would exist to know what to clothing it with to go the best visual effect. For example you want to wear oversized and loose jackets with slim fitting bottoms and fitted and shorter jackets can work improve with looser bottoms. Proportion is everything in making an outfit look expert. Scrunching your sleeves or pushing your neckband upwardly is great fun styling tip but the cadre expect has to be right.

Wearing a flowy jacket with skirt |

Can you requite united states some advice on how to wear jackets with dresses?

It all depends on the silhouette of the dress and the length of the jacket. Shorter jackets work better over maxi dresses and longer jackets or blazers wait better over a shorter fitted wearing apparel. Its pretty much the aforementioned as when you are wearing them with sportswear. I always say opposites attract, shorter jackets over longer dresses and longer jackets over shorter dresses.

How would y'all draw your own manner?

My personal style is mixing the classical with the modernistic and edgy. I similar to notice a middle basis where y'all can wear timeless archetype looks but mix them with some edgy pieces to look more than current and trendy.

Wearing a printed jacket |

What would you consider the almost important components of your manner?

I would say the most important components of having great mode are:

  • Confidence;
  • Ppaying attending to fit and proportion of clothes for your body type;
  • Being current and up to date with the trends but non letting it dictate your whole await.

Where exercise you alive and how does that influence your style?

I live in Glendale California which is 10 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles. It's a suburban family oriented urban center. The fashion influence would pretty much be the same every bit Los Angeles. Unfortunately we don't have big flavour changes here in Los Angeles. Then you end upward wearing a lot of the same looks throughout the yr. The overall vibe is more casual and laid back than New York but still fashionable.

Wearing a vest with wide pants |

Practice you feel you lot have a signature style?

I like mixing the classical looks with something new and trendy to give the whole look an edge.

What inspires your outfit choices the most?

Since I am a fashion designer by profession, I wait at a lot of magazines and on line style sites. I go to stores to research merchandise and I watch how women are dressing around us. All these things inspire me daily in my piece of work and what I wear.

Wearing a short wide cropped jacket |

Do you take things like color profiling or torso type into business relationship when you dress.

I recollect both of those factors are very important for any adult female to know about themselves and to dress accordingly. Color and the correct proportions in an outfit tin make a large divergence in your look. I definitely pay attending to both when I am getting dressed.

Has your style changed at all subsequently turning 40?

I don't retrieve my sense of style has changed. As you get older your trunk changes and you have to change your look appropriately merely I don't think you are changing your style necessarily. Yous accept to remember more almost shapes that flatter your figure, rather than but covering a trend. In that location are certain pieces like miniskirts or short shorts that I won't wear any more. I think this is different for each adult female and you demand to find what yous experience comfortable with yourself so you lot tin can feel confident in what your are wearing.

How to wear jackets |

Practise you lot believe in dressing "age appropriately" and what does it hateful to you?

Yes I do but "age advisable" tin can mean unlike things for different women and that is ok. Like I mentioned, in that location are sure things similar miniskirts or short shorts that I won't wear. I think its whatsoever you feel comfortable with. If its your manner and you experience good in it then why non?

Would you say that at this stage of your life you are now more or less interested in fashion, style and the style y'all look?

I don't recollect it has changed. I have e'er been interested in fashion and style; you lot accept to exist if you are a fashion designer by profession. As I have gotten older, I feel more than comfortable with my look and I know what I like and don't like correct abroad but that comes with experience.

Wearing a printed jacket |

Why is the mode you look important to you?

I think most women if not all women care nearly what they look like. I recall the way y'all wearing apparel says a lot near your personality and like it or not a lot of people approximate y'all by first impressions. If you lot are comfy with how yous look, that shows through and makes yous wait more confident and happy.

Which of the outfits on your blog are personal favorites and why?

I only practice a personal outfit or styling look once a week on the weblog and each 1 is really thought out and planned and so it's hard to cull. But I get really excited when I am featuring ane of my own "Jacket Society" jackets that I accept designed. It feels actually nice to go feedback on those looks considering y'all created one of the pieces. I love hearing feedback from my clients well-nigh those jackets; it helps my pattern process for the time to come.

Wearing a colorful jacket |

Practice you lot follow trends? And if yes, which trends excite you at the moment?

Yes I definitely follow trends; again you have to if you are working in the fashion manufacture. The ones I am liking for fall 2014 are: Robe and wrap coats (I actually have a blog story on this trend this calendar week on my blog), false fur or shearling jackets or trims, tailored masculine suits, colorful coats specially in red or orange which is a trend colour, and I honey the return of the midi skirt, information technology's such a swish length.

Exercise you take any fashion and style tips for women over 40?

I think its actually important to know yous body shape and what kind of proportions and pieces flatter your shape. If you have to piece of work with a stylist, even for a couple of sessions to learn this, it will be worth it.

What are your plans for your blog/business and how do you lot see it develop over the coming years?

For the blog I am trying to find the boosted topics to add together to the web log content that would be interesting and informative for my readers. The offset year I mostly did ane story near personal styling a calendar week, and in the last month I accept added a 2d story almost different fashion trends apropos jackets. Correct now I am ok with the two stories a calendar week. Because of the amount of time I need to dedicate to designing and manufacturing of "Jacket Society" jackets, it is difficult to practice more. I am planning to grow the spider web site and the sales end of the "Jacket Society" jacket line by doing more shows and even peradventure selling to some boutiques. I love doing both, only it is certainly a juggling deed because both areas demand a lot of attention in club to succeed.

Annihilation further you would like to add?

I am but really grateful to exist doing what I dearest. I accept always loved fashion, styling and designing. And now the weblog has get an important office of my life as well. I love the interaction with other women, customers and boyfriend bloggers like yourself. Cheers so much for contacting me for this interview.

For even more fabulous outfits with jackets and to buy them online, be sure to visit Nora's blog Jacket Society.

Practise you like to clothing jackets? What is your favorite fashion of wearing them?


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A style interview with Nora |

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